200 Job Applications
I just passed the 200 mark for job applications! Some details:
- I've had 15 first interviews and 3 second interviews.
- About half of them are jobs I would probably not like.
- I was hired by 4 organizations, plus I'm a Church organist. So you might say I have 5 jobs.
- 39 have officially turned me down; most left me hanging.
- I've applied for 20 jobs at Penn State, 6 at Geisinger, and 6 at Evangelical Community Hospital, and was never called for an interview. Should I take the hint?
- Some of the unusual jobs I've applied for: parking enforcement officer, web and social media editor, customer service in both a feed store and a seed store, decision support specialist, copy editor, writer/blogger, science/math/English test writer, financial editor, communications specialist, daycare teacher, mental health technician, math flashcard writer, investigator, administrative support for "rock ethics," consumer loan officer, Word design specialist, Psychiatric rehab associate, vascular technology writer.
- The trickiest interview question is "what would be your ideal job?" because the true answer is often nothing like the job they have available.
One of these days, you'll pull through the McDonald's drive-through and hear my voice asking if you want fries with that. A fitting end for a person with a stomach bypass.