Christmas Letterhead

Christmas Card


Dear Jason, Tina, Erol, Kristina, Scott, Dave, Tom, Sue, Chris Labus, Chris Leger, Casey, Nicole, and Deb,

In this topsy-turvy pandemic world, it is wonderful to work with such a great bunch of people! Smart, hardworking, reliable, kind, patient - you are the whole package! I want to wish you all a fantastic holiday season and health and safety for your families!

Here is a little about my year. I semi-retired to give my mom and brother more support next door. They both have serious health issues. This means washing lots of dishes, running to appointments, and frequent arguments (smile).

But the biggest event of the year was my only child moving her family to Colorado! She had been working the ICU at GLH, seeing too much death, and dealing with a community where sentiment is not always on the side of science. Kimber is now working in Pulmonary / Sleep Medicine in Denver.

This was our last night together.

grandkids goodbye Kimber goodbye

She temporarily left behind her kitty, Duchess, who is content to sit nearby but bites me every time I pet her! As a card-carrying cat lover, I admire her nerve. I'll be taking the little stinker to Denver to reunite with her family once they buy a house. I will miss her, but my other two cats will not shed a tear.


This week I attended the Mifflin County School Board meeting to encourage student masking. Here I am with Heather Pully, one of Geisinger's clinical pharmacists.

school board meeting

Be safe and enjoy the holidays! Go Christmas Light spotting and play Christmas Light Bingo with the family!

Listen to some marginally entertaining Christmas music by Polly and Don. I recommend My Favorite Things where I sampled my late, great dog, Snowflake, barking and growling. All I had to do was pretend somebody was at the door.

Have a very merry Christmas and happy New Year!

Winter Jan 2021