Corporate Speak
Pet Peeve Alert
My endless job search has me up to my ears in corporate-speak, that bastardization of the English language that tries to sound intellectual or high-tech but instead comes off as pretentious. People who talk this way usually seem fairly intelligent. I don't get it. Are they lemmings? How about speaking plain English instead of saying crap like this:
"That’s why we facilitate several executive committees and executive resources designed to empower superintendents, as well as to leverage their input to make our solutions as effective as possible."
I may barf the next time I hear one of the following terms:
- Partner
- Come on salespeople, we are your clients or customers. Do you think we'll go all gooey inside if you say you want to partner with us?
- Leverage or Utilize
- Somewhere there must be a corporate manual that requires substituting a 3-syllable word when any normal person would say "use." I once heard a computer trainer say "leverage" 10 times in 15 minutes without ever using it properly. How about you leverage a dictionary once in a while.
- Solutions
- You sell software or services or products. If I want solutions, I'll go to Dear Abby.
- Resources
- We are people, staff, human beings, not resources.
If I ever get a job with one of these companies and start talking this way, please somebody shoot me!