Gastric Bypass: Days 9-10
Day 9:
To add some excitement to my life, went with Mom and Dad to the Wal-Mart. Since I didn't need anything, I just followed Mom around. Later at the Minit-Mart, because they can't operate the computer-order screen, I had to go in and order a steak sandwich and 2 mini-meatball sandwiches which I think is against the rules of the Geneva Convention. The food smelled heavenly, and it is starting to get to me. I opted to stay in the car when they ran in the Weis Market next, and I started wondering how bad it would be if I took a little bite of a meatball sandwich.
Thank heavens, when I got home, the mail had arrived with protein drinks from 2 companies. I quickly mixed up the Chike Nutrition orange cream. It was actually very tasty and packs a lot of protein. I'm anxious to try the "chicken" soup and unflavored protein from Unjury. You can mix the latter with jello, pudding, soup, etc. Things are falling into place.
Day 10:
I'm tickled with my morning weigh-in: 270.2. That's 49 lbs down! If I could just find a job, I would be ecstatic.
No plans for the day, but I can only dream that Mom decides to hit the Kmart. I might make another clandestine road trip to walk Mr. Boomer. We missed our walk yesterday with all the rain.
Wish I had something more exciting to tell you. I am looking forward to my follow-up appointment with the surgeon on Tuesday. I'm hoping they will advance me to a little solid food. Those egg-substitutes are sounding awfully good!